"Practice does not make perfect"

But it does improve your work

I have been painting and drawing for about 4 years consistently now. Each time I make something new I improve. Faces are hard to draw, babies are easier as they have less facial structure yet. The first graphite drawing is three years back, the one below that 2.5 years. With consistent drawing and looking at videos about technique, shadow and texture I improved over the years.

Now that I look back at it I am not amazed by my work anymore, I improved and now notice more flaws and this is a good thing because that means I learnt.

This drawing is another two years later. Having learnt a lot about art through my education and selfstudy I felt confident to draw another portrait.

Good supplies do not make a good artist but good supplies make a good artist better. Having new pencils and different paper I was able to apply more texture and shading.

My most recent drawing is from march 2024. Over the years I am watching my art and family members grow up on paper and it is an amazing way of documentation of their youngest years.

What do I want you to take away from this post?

Practice does not make perfect because nothing is ever perfect, and it does not have to be. Look back through the past years, how much you grew as a person! When it feels like you are standing still when the world keeps running around you, take a moment and appreciate how far you have gotten.

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