Studying or Student Dying?
How I practice healthy studying (mostly)
Studying is based on a lot of motivation. At least, that is what people think. It is more about consistency and dedication. It really helps when you are enjoying your study/education but even if you do not it is very doable to study enough.
Over the past year I tried out different techniques, hacks and ways to make studying as enjoyable as possible.
Here I will tell you about my ways and how you can discover your best way of learning without mental breakdowns.


Studying well starts before opening your laptop or book. Where you are, how you feel and what you did that day has a great impact.
– Open a window.
– Empty your desk from things you do not need.
– Dress in daily clothes, lose the pyjamas.
– Put down a filled water bottle.
– Make sure to check your Sim stats, have you eaten? Went to the bathroom?
– Put your phone away or turn off not-important notfications if you can not.
During studying
While studying it is important to set goals. What do you want to achieve in this session?
– Take breaks when you lose your focus, adhere to the Pomodoro Method. (20 mins studying, 5 minute break, repeat) Until the end of your session, after 2 hours take a 30 minute break.
– Do not forget your eating moments. Put on an alarm to warn you when you need to eat.


“Just make a planning”, yes, it sounds stupid and definitely does not work for every issue in life. But it can reduce study-stress, write down every class what is expected from you.
-Important information
And keep on track using that selfmade schedule, little bits each time are worth more than doing nothing.
And remember: studying is something you do for YOU, to pass your classes, to improve knowledge or come further in life, it does not matter, it is always in your favor to know more.