The Overtake

Point-and-click game

In our second term we started with making a point-and-click game, a game you play with just your mouse and clicking. Projects last two weeks and have 2 artists, 2 designers and 2 designers in each team. On the first day we started brainstorming for ideas, during these hours we found out that one of the engineers was not in the study anymore and we would have to do with one engineer.

Poster created by Georgina Branche

Week one

We decided to make a game that is about making drugs. Following the steps of the making process you score points and the better you do the more money you make to get out of debt. During this time I focused on creating the assets for the bottles and the storyboard using ProCreate.

During this time we noticed our engineer was lacking in communication, work ethics and did not produce any results in this full week. On the first friday of the project we decided to remove them from the group in agreeance with the teachers as they did not show up at all. This produced the problem that someone else had to take over the role of engineer. Although less extensive each of us had a basis in programming due to the course being taught in the first term. I took over this role.

Week two

During this second week I put in an above average of hours to finish the work that is normally done by two persons in two weeks. To reduce the workload I prioritized utility over optimizing, this left the game to be working very well but gave it an extensive loading time.

A four double "if" statement I created.

Final product

In the end I fully finished the game as we wanted it to turn out, complete with all functions. On average the group put in 60 hours per person with me being at 70. I got awarded with a green card (means an extra point on grade for extraordinairy work). The group scored a 9 and I scored a 10. This project was a lot of fun as the coding was challenging to get done within one week. The group worked very well together and we were really supportive of eachother.

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