“Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone.”

-Robert Allen

Post highlight: TwenTech Festival with XP


Curious how I got to where I am and how I handle it?

Check it out here!

“There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic deadlines.”

— Brian Tracy


Professional, academic, personal and community projects, I have seen it all. See my favourite projects here!

Project highlight: Yearbook of 2023

“With education, you can unlock the world.” – Oprah Winfrey


Creative Media and Game Technologies with a background in Bèta subjects? How did I end up here?


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”Steve Jobs


Finances, art, retail and volunteering, whatever I can get my hands on.



“Be the change.” – Mahatma Gandhi


About me

I do not like constraining myself into words, but lets try anyway.

Want to get in contact?